Happy New Year! As we celebrate the new year, we ushered in some changes here at the Archers Association of America and want to let you know what's going on:
After Jake retired from competitive archery, the Kaminskis decided it no longer made sense to run the Archers Association of America and looked for someone to continue to run the Association in their stead. As an active archery family, we decided it would be a wonderful opportunity for us to get more involved with the archery community while giving back by continuing the discounts and giveaways provided by the Association.
Over the next several weeks, we'll be evaluating the Archers Association of America app, website, and offerings. We will definitely look to expand the discount offerings and hope to make the process of getting and using the discounts easier. We will be contacting all members with a survey to get your feedback for what you're looking for in the association and look forward to learning more about your interests.
So happy new year from Brandi, Avram & Megan. Here's to another great year shooting archery!
-Brandi, Avram & Megan