Meet Maggie Brensinger: S3DA Barebow Champion


We first met Maggie Brensinger at the Palmyra Sportsmen’s Summer Series. We were impressed with her focus and drive the first time we met her, and then even more so the second time, when she competed with a severely sprained ankle and crutches! With barebow nation growing, they are certainly lucky to have recruited such a dedicated archer into their ranks.

What has been your best day in archery?

My best day in archery so far has to be August 4, 2019, at the Palmyra Sportsmen's Summer Series #3. I shot a 622/720. My mental game was on point that day, which shocked me because I had sprained my ankle the night before the tournament.

How did you decide on barebow?

Barebow was an easy decision for me, really. I chose it because I had shot a type of barebow in the NASP program at my school for two seasons beforehand. I also chose it because of a process with different bow types. I shot a Genesis bow, and now I'm shooting a regular barebow. I tried Olympic Recurve but didn't find myself enjoying it as much as I did barebow. I didn't like the weight, and that it wasn't as instinctive as barebow.


How did you learn?

I started learning with my Genesis bow, and with my coaches at school. After my second season with the NASP program I decided I wanted to compete all year round, so I joined Grass Hollow Archery and started learning from my coaches there. I haven't been shooting my barebow for very long, since the beginning of May 2019, so I am still learning.

Who do you work with?

I work with Frank and Sarah McDonough, my coaches and the owners of Grass Hollow Archery in Orwigsburg, Pennsylvania. I currently am a team member there. They've been so supportive of this journey.

What goals do you have for shooting?

Since I have all eleven of the main outdoor JOAD pins, including the Bronze, Silver and Gold Olympian pins, my goal is definitely to finish getting my indoor JOAD pins this season, and my 6-10 pin.

Are you someone who looks at score or do you focus on form?

I am most definitely somebody who looks at score, but I am trying to focus more on form because it isn't mentally healthy to focus on where your arrows land all of the time. As long as your form is good, and you put the tip of the arrow where you want to hit, you're going to hit it. If you don't, you just make some minor adjustments.

Which do you like better: indoor, outdoor, field, or 3D? What do you like about it?

I have tried and competed in every discipline except field, which I will be trying in September. I really found my love for outdoor growing at the Palmyra Sportsmen's Summer Series. There's quite a few barebow shooters who attend it, and it's growing. I like outdoor most because I like the distance, and the target size. I took first place at S3DA Outdoor Target Nationals in Metropolis, IL and 3rd place in 3 D Nationals, so outdoor has been my favorite so far. I'm excited to try field and looking forward to competing in my first real indoor season!

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